As I embark on this new blog, what better way to get acquainted with everyone and show what I’m all about than to detail some future goals. And as most professional development books detail, writing goals down makes them easier to complete.
Grow my professional network
I often find myself in need of guidance from other fellow designers. In Madison, web designers are few and far between, but by attending more design related events locally and nationally I feel confident that I will be able to broaden my network.
Grow my leadership skills
I’ve recently found myself in a position to be a good leader, but I still have a lot of progress to make in this area. As a natural introvert and empathetic individual, I find that theory through books followed by easing into tactics outlined is the easiest way for me to achieve this goal. In learning how to be a leader, I feel my client relations skills will also be increased.
Learn fundamentals of Javascript
Javascript wasn’t a very strong class in college, so I want to make a good effort to learn the language more readily and apply the basic principals to understanding jQuery. This year I’ve already made a huge leap in learning Javascript through building the Pilch & Barnet website. I still find I have more I want to learn in the meantime.
Improve photography skills
I’m envious of photography skills. Whether it’s as simple as framing an object or more complicated like knowing how to operate a DSLR to create certain image techniques. This year, I would like to buy a professional camera and learn how to use it. I’ve already had the chance to use the one in the office to grow my skills, but I feel like I still have so much to learn. And since I won’t be able to afford the DSLR for a while, I’m looking forward to the challenge of taking pictures with my iPhone to at least learn the basics of framing.
Create icon sets
If you know me, you know I’m a HUGE advocate for icons. I think they’re easy to use, easy for users to understand and just plain awesome if designed well. I would like to create a database of icons to use for general projects and share with the design community.
Blog more often
For months I’ve been brainstorming topics for this blog. I would like to share my thoughts on design and my growth as a designer. Hopefully this increases my professional network too!
Have fun
I’m finding it’s easy getting caught up in the business side of things. Every now and then I need to find or create fun projects to explore design further.
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